Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Reign in the Military

An interesting Socratic dialogue.  Try substituting American for Greek and Syrian for Corinthian.

I concur with this quote wholeheartedly:
“The military doesn’t need to be rebuilt, not when it engages in:
·         invading other countries
·         occupying other countries
·         nation building
·         regime changes
·         fighting foreign wars
·         making widows and orphans
·         garrisoning the planet with troops
·         fighting immoral wars
·         launching preemptive strikes
·         torture
·         transporting insurgents and detainees to torture-friendly countries
·         spreading democracy at the point of a gun
·         fighting unjust wars
·         using humanitarian interventions as a guise for imperialism
·         unleashing sectarian violence
·         supplying peacekeepers
·         fighting senseless wars
·         bombing other countries
·         fighting unnecessary wars
·         building overseas bases
·         being the world’s policeman, fireman, and social worker
·         being the president’s personal attack force
·         killing civilians and dismissing it as collateral damage
·         enforcing UN resolutions
·         destroying foreign industry, culture, and infrastructure
·         providing humanitarian aid in other countries
·         enforcing no-fly zones in other countries
·         providing disaster relief in other countries
·         unnecessarily sending American soldiers to their deaths
·         rebuilding infrastructure in other countries after destroying it
·         intervening in other countries
·         creating terrorists and insurgents because of its interventions
·         making us less safe because of its interventions
·         being a global force for evil
·         carrying out an aggressive, reckless, and belligerent U.S. foreign policy
·         carrying out drone strikes that regularly miss their targets
·         fighting wars that are not constitutionally declared
·         going where it has no business going
·         supporting a network of brothels around the world
·         offense instead of defense

Not only should the U.S. military not be rebuilt, it should be cut and then limited to defensive actions only.”

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