Friday, July 28, 2017


 “There’s only one global empire, that of Finance. If you want global hegemony, you must accept the dominance of global finance and pay tribute. If you don’t want to submit to the empire, then you cannot be a global hegemon.”

“Isn’t it high time that the USA adopted a single-payer system of food insurance. After all, nothing is more important than food; no one can survive more than a few days without eating. Leaving the provision of food to the whims and caprices of the free market is simply a recipe for malnutrition and starvation. And obviously the poor and the minorities have very little access to food under horse-and-buggy market arrangements.

Under the proposed system, the government would establish a National Feeding System (NFS) to which everyone would be required to belong and make premium payments. Everyone engaged in producing and distributing food would be drafted into the system. Whenever anyone got hungry, he would present himself to a licensed provider, who would be authorized to provide stipulated types of food, the costs of which would be billed to the NFS at prices the agency had established. Only foods the NFS had found to be necessary for the individual eater would be provided and their costs reimbursed.

This system would permit great reductions in administrative costs. Unnecessary duplication (e.g., 75 different kinds of breakfast cereal, 27 different kinds of yogurt, etc.) would be eliminated. The poor, at long last, would all get adequate food; the rich would get the same food, thereby ensuring equity and equal dignity at the dinner table. Farm organizations would no longer be required, because all farmers would be organized into vast collective farms where government managers would ensure that only the best methods, seeds, fertilizers, and so forth were used, according to strict government requirements based on settled science.

Would not this arrangement be a huge improvement over the anarchy of the present means of food supply and distribution? What could possibly go wrong?”
– Robert Higgs

“Notwithstanding President Trump’s many faults, failures, and foibles, let’s give credit where credit is due. Last week a suspected member of Al Qaeda named Ali Charaf Damache was extradited to the United States to stand trial. Trump had a choice: He could have had Damache sent into the Pentagon-CIA kangaroo ‘justice’ system in Cuba or to the federal court system that was established under the U.S. Constitution. Trump chose the latter.”
On this I say, “good job Trump,” and to Sessions, “Have you lost your mind and understanding of our Constitution?”
Wenzel makes the point and my only real opinion on transgender in the military issue –
Somebody should tell Trump that US military meddling overseas creates ‘tremendous medical costs.’  It sometimes results in soldiers getting their penises blown off even when they don't want them cut off.”
California community college system Chancellor wants to abolish the requirement that students successfully pass algebra before graduating.  She calls it “the biggest barrier to underemployed or unemployed Americans.”  California is comical – unfortunately for me, Illinois is no better.

Thomas Sowell hits the nail on the head.  I agree with his response to snobby, socialism loving western European intellectuals.
“The two biggest ideological disasters of the 20th century — Communism and Fascism — were both created in Europe. Both of these blind fanaticisms led to innocent civilians being killed by the millions, during peacetime as well as in wars.”
A comparatively long read, but worth your time to consider both progressive and conservative ideology regarding poverty.  I am heartened by the concluding paragraph reprinted below.  And let us always remember, the answer lies in the free market!
Fortunately, in the United States the problem of relief is now merely a residual problem, likely to be of constantly diminishing importance as, under free enterprise, we constantly increase total production. The real problem of poverty is not a problem of "distribution" but of production. The poor are poor not because something is being withheld from them, but because, for whatever reason, they are not producing enough. The only permanent way to cure their poverty is to increase their earning power.”
I very much enjoyed this essay by Rabbi Yonason Goldson titled Take Pleasure in Taking the High Road.

“Anything worthwhile requires investment and effort. Life is too short to squander it on fleeting pleasures when there is so much real joy for us to experience.”

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