Monday, July 24, 2017


Audit the fed.  I can’t decide if Janet Yellen is a moron, evil or both.  Considering she works in government, she is most likely both.

Experts have been proven wrong time and again.  Trust entrepreneurs and capitalism every time. 

Can you distinguish the difference between your right to read whatever book you so choose with your right to spend your money however you choose? Think it all the way through.
Three quotes from the article:
1.  “Consider what people read. Should it be subject to democratic vote? Liberals-progressives correctly respond: ‘Of course not, Jacob. People should be free to read whatever they want, even if the vast majority of people disagree with what is being read.’”
2.  “The liberal-progressive blind spot comes into play with respect to people’s money. They cannot see that what people do with their honestly acquired wealth is no different in principle from what books people choose to read.”
 3 “Suppose John has $1,000 that he has received at his job. It’s his money. It’s his right to do what he wants with it. Let’s say that a local minister approaches him and asks for a $100 donation. John has the right to say yes and the right to say no. If he says no, the minister cannot rob him. That’s partly what freedom is all about — the right to decide what to do with your money.
Liberals-progressives (and, for that matter, conservatives) agree with that but also believe that what a person does with his money should be subject to the vote of the majority. So, if the majority decides that John should donate $100 to the minister, even though he doesn’t want to, they see nothing wrong with using the state’s taxing power to forcibly take the money from him and give it to the minister. They say that this is what democracy is all about. In fact, for statists ‘freedom’ is measured by the extent to which the state is empowered to control and dispose of people’s wealth. In the liberal-progressive mind, the more power the state has to control the disposition of people’s money, the ‘freer’ that society is.
So, in the liberal-progressive mind, freedom is a democracy in which the majority lacks the power to determine what a person reads but, at the same time, wields the power to determine what a person does with his own money. Like I say, it’s a warped and perverted view of democracy and freedom. Hypocritical too.”

Add this to the laundry list of reasons why Obama is the worst president we have ever had (maybe with the exception of FDR).  Trump is on pace to be worse than Obama, I do admit.  

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