Friday, April 28, 2017

Presidential Flip Flops

The Presidential flip flop is a time tested guarantee… unfortunately.
Reducing the first lady to nothing more than a reclusive kook because she’s married to a man who’s a Republican is not just disempowering for women, it’s also embarrassing. It sends the message that women can only make decisions for themselves when it fits a certain agenda. If a woman dares to question the feminist gods, she will be punished. Whatever happened to self-determination?”

Self-determination – well that’s a novel idea!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Re-Assessing Priorities

We have an agency called The National Technical Information Service. LOL.
“In years past, the NTIS operated as a single-stop clearinghouse for making U.S. government research and information available to the public. Unfortunately for the agency and its 102 bureaucrats, who on average earn over $88,835 per year, about 95% of the information it provides can be easily found for free on the Internet using modern search engines like Google.”
IMO, just another symptom of a government that is too large.  Not to be overly dramatic, but recognize the fact that it takes a large government to do something appalling – like Auschwitz, for example.  Read and remember this line: “It takes a government to do an Auschwitz.” (
At this website - - you can nominate government agencies that need to be eliminated.  I nominate all of them.

Financial literacy is so important – for children, students, young adults, middle-aged adults, people approaching retirement, for all of us to help us be financially independent and less reliant on the state.  This is awesome.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ironic (sad) Truths about US Foreign Intervention

Read this article in full.  The irony is too much to handle.  Every time the US intervenes in foreign affairs the world gets less safe.  I am sick and tired of hearing conservatives claim the world gets safer when the US is the world's policemen.  I don't believe this to be a lie most of the time but I do think people are simply mis or uninformed.  Here is a few paragraphs backstory on the CIA creation of ISIS.

"How Military Central Planning Unwittingly Created ISIS

The final irony of the MOAB bombing? ISIS. Its story begins with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who literally followed US troops into Iraq after their invasion in March of 2003. Taking full advantage of the US invasion's destruction of Iraq's social order, by August Zarqawi had not only set up Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (JTJ) in Iraq but bombed the Jordanian embassy, Canal Hotel, and Shi'ite Imam Ali Mosque, killing a combined 125 people and maiming/injuring countless others.
In October of the following year, JTJ changed its name to Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). This made sense since Zarqawi was a protégé/frenemy of former US ally and al Qaeda founder Osama bin Laden. Two years later, in October of 2006, AQI became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). In August of 2011, ISI helped form the al-Nusra Front in Syria. Finally, in April of 2013, al-Nusra and ISI combined into the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Thus ISIS was born, and scooping up US weapons, vehicles, and millions of dollars in CIA cash in attacks, robberies, and burglaries around Iraq, it became one of the most well-armed and financed terrorist organizations in the world.
So here's the gist of MOAB: the US government dropped a $170,000 big bomb on dirt poor, destitute Afghanistan on militants living in a cave complex that it had originally helped construct to kill a tiny portion of a small, non-indigenous terrorist group that it had helped create 3,000 miles away in perhaps its greatest military blunder 14 years ago. And to top it all off, this pointless bombing was, according to US President Donald Trump, a rousing "successful job."
Kafka would be proud."

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Healthy Skepticism Needed

This article highlights a tweet from Trump that I surprisingly like:
We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS? ZERO”
Misogyny actually played 0% into the election you arrogant fool.  You were a horrible candidate and an even worse person.  These are my opinions.
“Clinton said she has no plans to seek public office again. ‘I am looking at doing interesting things,’ she said. ‘I don’t think that will ever include running for office again.’”
Thank goodness!
We take for granted that what the government tells us is true.  I am not saying Assad is innocent.  I am not even saying he isn’t behind these attacks.   But let’s not take it as fact when the government tells us something.  Just look at history (and this article) for why we should be skeptical.
This article provides further evidence for skepticism.
“As long as the American people continue to keep the federal government as a national-security state, one whose mission includes imperialism and foreign interventionism, America will continue traveling down the road to bankruptcy, moral debauchery, hypocrisy, death, and destruction of libertyand privacy here at home. There is but one solution to all this: the restoration of a constitutional republic to our land and the complete rejection of empire and foreign intervention.”

Those who have been fortunate enough to achieve a measure of success thanks to mobility should not feel guilty about it. We can help society best by being productive citizens and–where possible–working to ensure that the foot voting opportunities that benefited us become more available to others.”
This is why Chicago/Illinois and California are losing residents.  People that are overruled by the masses are voting with their feet.
Hillary might be the 6th most beautiful woman in a room of 5 women.

This is pretty funny.  Love to see Bannon get pushed out, hate to see his shoes filled by the liberal democrat Kushner.

Attack on Syria and Other Topics

Surprise, surprise - top notch healthcare providers prefer privately insured patients.  Duh. 
LOL. We grant rivers the rights of personhood, but not unborn babies?
What does personhood even mean in the context of a river?”
Good question!
Read the article.  We don’t “need to do something.”
The gas attack, which took some 70 civilian lives, was horrible and must be condemned. But we must also remember that US bombs in Syria have killed hundreds of civilians. Just recently, US bombs killed 300 Iraqi civilians in one strike! Does it really make a difference if you are killed by poison gas or by a US missile?”
From Nathan Oman’s The Dignity of Commerce:

Nevertheless, the doux commerce tradition was correct that markets breed virtues that support a liberal polity.  Markets require that one consider the point of view of others and alter one’s behavior to satisfy their desires.  This disposition supports three liberal virtues.  The first is deliberation, the ability to consider an opposing viewpoint.  The other two virtues are negative.  Markets weaken loyalty to tribe and family, cultivating the ability to relate to strangers according to impersonal criteria.  Finally, markets break down aristocratic habits, encouraging people to relate peaceably as equals.”

Friday, April 7, 2017

Food for Thought

AV -à Forgive me but I do not see the slightest issue with the recent Pepsi ad.  I despise that the left has abused Pepsi for no reason and now Pepsi is caving by ditching the ad.
This post articulately poses 14 extremely reasonable questions to ask before going to war.
“But what proponents of military action to depose Assad have not explained is what our clear national security interest is there, what political victory looks like, what our main risks are, and what costs we will be required to pay in order to achieve that victory.”
“We owe it to the American men and women whose blood was shed in Iraq, and their families, to not repeat the same mistakes we made there in Syria. We owe it to the men and women who would be deployed overseas to have a clear understanding of our political goals in Syria, what military resources will be required to achieve them, and what risks we face, both militarily and politically, as a result of approving military action to remove Assad.”
BTW it is certainly possible, although not really plausible, that Assad actually used chemical weapons.  He is already winning the war and has no incentive to make such a provocative move.  Additionally, the people of Syria, while they don’t love Assad, would rather him be there than live under the tyranny of ISIS.  These are important considerations.
The world needs more Larry Elders.
One should bear in mind that if the rebels did commit the attack, the U.S. could actually do something about it considering America and its allies actively support them. Withdrawing support for groups that resort to these tactics would contribute to Syria’s safety and security. This is not a concern, however, because it appears the media’s ultimate focus on this story is to garner support for further war and bloodshed in the Middle East–not less of it.”
I repeat – I do not know who used the chemical weapons but let’s make sure it actually was Syria before we go to war.
AV à I just saw that Israel is postponing an election from July 3rd to July 4th because … - wait for it - Britney Spears is in town for a concert. No I am not kidding.  Do with that information what you will.
California eagerly promotes housing and food vouchers for the homeless and unemployed but denies school-choice vouchers to embattled K-12 students and their families. Call it the double standard inherent in the system.”

Quote of the day from Jeffrey Tucker in this article:
Good intentions are never enough to justify government intervention in anything.”
Indeed.  Good intentions are far too low a criteria for flawed and self-interested men to arbitrarily gain such power.
Tucker continues:

“This is especially true in war, the meanest, deadliest, and most destructive government program ever conceived. And yet we keep doing it, putting our faith that bombs, mass destruction, legal violence, and shock and awe can somehow work, despite all evidence. We think we see a way to do good through war but it might just be another alluring illusion, just as it was 100 years ago.”

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Wisdom Is Realizing You Don't Even Know What You Don't Know

“Honing-in as it were on every knot and toadstool they can discover disfiguring trunks within the forest of Canada's chartered banks, they overlook the tremendous merits of the forest itself, and thus manage to arrive at precisely the wrong answer to the question their paper poses.
That question, to paraphrase it, is, ‘In light of Canada's experience with commercial banknotes, what must regulators do to perfect today's private digital currencies?’ Stand back a ways, ignore those toadstools and knots, and behold that glorious old forest. The right response, surely, is not unlike the one French businessmen famously gave to Jean-Baptiste Colbert, France's Comptroller-General of Finances, back in 1681: leave them be.”
If you watch a colony of ants at work, do you know what is best for each ant at every moment?  Of course not!  How then, can central planners, who look at all of us from flyover distance, possibly know what is best for each of us? 
“The essence of all central planning is unavoidably making 'collective' choices that forcefully override peaceful individual choices. The problem with this substitution of local and individual for foreign and collective choices–looking past the moral implications–is the fundamental limitation of central planners’ knowledge and abilities.”
 What mattered to our ancestors was freedom, not the false sense of security that comes with police states, welfare states, and overgrown military and intelligence establishments. That’s why Americans lived without drug laws for more than a century (and without income taxation, economic regulations, Social Security, Medicare, public schooling, central bank, paper money, immigration controls, Pentagon, enormous standing army, CIA, NSA, and national-security state). Too bad later Americans moved in an opposite direction, including the adoption of drug laws, just like those in Nazi Germany.

I cannot agree with this enough!  abolish the war on drugs! Legalize every drug and move on.  The war on drugs leads to the militarization of the police and to increased use of surveillance equipment and hacking tools by not only national security operatives and agencies but now local police as well.  We may initially feel safer with these tactics, but they lead toward the KGB, Gestapo and SWAT teams that break down innocent people’s doors, escalate conflict and make racial and other gaps in societies deeper and more hostile.
“ What mattered to our ancestors was freedom, not the false sense of security that comes with police states, welfare states, and overgrown military and intelligence establishments. That’s why Americans lived without drug laws for more than a century (and without income taxation, economic regulations, Social Security, Medicare, public schooling, central bank, paper money, immigration controls, Pentagon, enormous standing army, CIA, NSA, and national-security state). Too bad later Americans moved in an opposite direction, including the adoption of drug laws, just like those in Nazi Germany.”

I am reminded frequently of the ancient Greek way of war. Armor was expensive and only the wealthy and powerful could afford it. And those with the armor stood in the front line as they were most able to engage in the cutting and thrusting and still survive. Armor was also heavy and they could not run away, so wars were only fought when vital interests were at stake and they were fought to the death for most of those on the battlefield. I fancy a phalanx of hoplites with Warner, Cardin, Schiff, Wolfowitz, Cheney and Libby arrayed on the front line in their fine armor manufactured by Halliburton. That way they could have all the war they want and experience it first-hand. I doubt they would last very long as they are both moral and physical cowards, but given that reality, they just might think a bit harder about promoting the type of fearmongering that will only end by sending the children of other Americans off to war.”

Moral Philosophy Needs a Moral License to Offend”

Twisted Logic

Is social engineering a thing?  Are children being programmed?  There is some truth to these claims.  Watch the video.
I have made this point all along.  Nothing Trump is doing is pro Russia.  The loud claims that Trump is Putin’s puppet do not pass the smell test.  But then again, not much of what the media puts out there does.
“SpaceX’s actions yesterday reveal how innovative the U.S. commercial space sector can be when given the opportunity and necessary breathing room to experiment. The goal now will be to transform that historic launch and landing into a frequent occurrence. As SpaceX’s CEO Elon Musk has said, the company will be ‘successful, ironically, when it becomes boring.’ For rocket landings to become that commonplace, though, we need to work to allow the demand for them.”
Side note for those who don’t know about SpaceX:  SpaceX’s is the first private company to launch satellites into space for the government, developing the booster that launched the rocket vertically, and then re-launched the same booster.  Incredible stuff.  By a private company.  Not by the State.
This is cool stuff.  And I agree with the quote.  In fact, perhaps, this is the best case study of the power of the market.
Free trade has brought economic prosperity and lifted millions of people out of poverty in a way which is unmatched in human history. Free trade not only benefits all countries involved economically but also promotes peace and goodwill between those countries. Therefore, the UK should aim to pursue free trade with countries all over the world.
Absolutely.  Free trade > foreign aid.  Both morally and economically.
Cuba is sometimes idealized as a successful countermodel to capitalism. This month, however, the University of Chicago’s NORC released a study about the opinions of Cuba’s population. The findings of the poll were clear: Cubans want capitalism.”
I submit that the people of virtually all socialist countries want the same thing. Free markets > State Control.
You’ve got nice ideals Bernie, but get a reality check.  The State is not the answer.
There is never a strong argument for government involvement in the market, however, there is a better argument for subsidizing robots and artificial intelligence than there is for taxing them as the economically illiterate Bill Gates would tell you.
“The stakes are high: If the U.S. government ignores or avoids globalization and automation, it will stifle innovation. Americans can figure out how to strengthen society while integrating robotics into the workforce, or we can leave the job to China.”

I’m with Mark Perry on this one.
Two important quotes:
“… there may be a window of opportunity to turn the anti-Trump rhetoric into a review of the failed policies of the last decade and a half.”
No matter who pulls the trigger — Bush, Obama or Trump — civilian deaths are not accidental, but a policy of preventable accident. The new drone rules under Trump are simply another example.”
As Jacob Honrberger says in his blog post today
Not only have they started the fires and poured fuel on the fires in the Middle East, they have then used those fires as the excuse to suspend civil liberties here at home, purportedly to keep us ‘safe’ from the terrorist blowback their fires produce over there. There is also the impending bankruptcy of the U.S. government owing to out of control federal spending and debt to consider.”