Monday, July 24, 2017

A Different Direction on Foreign Policy

“During this time, it became clear that the Swiss had fought too many wars on too many sides to be able to safely pick one for the long haul, especially when all the big powers wanted Switzerland for themselves because of the country’s strategic location guarding the Alps. So when the Congress of Vienna met in 1814–15 to sort out European peace after the French Revolutionary War (during which the Swiss had continued to serve as hired bodyguards for the French monarchy, including the last king, Louis XVI) and the Napoleonic Wars (during which the French invaded Switzerland and broke up the old confederacy), the Swiss put forth an elegant win-win solution for the whole continent: let us be neutral. This validation was key. As Goetschel points out, ‘Neutrality only makes sense if the other powers recognise you.’"

“… there’s actually a definition of the neutrality policy on the Swiss government website … In addition to focusing on the country’s humanitarian bent, it lists some of the rules: The country must refrain from engaging in war, not allow belligerent states to use its territory and not supply mercenary troops to belligerent states.”
Switzerland has been largely neutral in many past and ongoing conflicts.  Also notice Switzerland doesn’t have terrorism issues.  Interesting….

AV - - As a side note, I fully support every common sense American who has begged for Maxine Waters to run for President.  Waters’ campaign would be the greatest thing ever for this country.  She provides more comic relief than Louis CK every time she speaks.  

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