Monday, July 17, 2017

Change Your Perspective

“One of the most frustrating things in debate is when you decisively win the initial point of contention, only to have your opponent ‘move the goalpost’ to a different claim. To be sure, this is a human failing, not unique to any particular political perspective. I’m sure I myself do this too. But I have certainly noticed it when people use it against me, and so in this series of posts I’ll review three times that interventionists moved the goal posts in a political debate.”
 This is why we cannot win in politics.  The goalposts will always move when the left loses. 
We need to get rid of the government so there is nothing to debate.
Analysts can manipulate data to “prove” both the successes and the failures of Obamacare, depending on their intentions.
BUT, we fail to admit that Obamacare was designed to implode and lead to single payer
This is a GREAT article!  Please read it.  It will open your eyes.
There is no denying taxation is theft and the government having the force to take our money is in fact slavery …
“Would an 80 percent take by the IRS constitute slavery for Americans? The question misses the point. The percentage is irrelevant. What matters is that when the state wields the power to seize whatever portion of a person’s income it wants, it becomes the sovereign and the person becomes the serf or the slave.”
… even when those monies are used for politically-correct social programs.
“Here is another funny part about the Times article: To buttress its slavery argument, it points out that the North Korean government takes out even more money ‘to cover living expenses, mandatory contributions to a so-called loyalty fund and other “donations.”’
It’s particularly funny that the article places the word “donation” in quotation marks. That’s undoubtedly because the Times doesn’t view them to be genuine donations given the fact that the state mandates them.
But would the Times recognize that the same principle applies to the money that is taken out of the paycheck of American workers to cover Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Homeland Security, or other U.S. welfare-warfare programs? Of course not. The Times would undoubtedly say that unlike the North Korean exactions, those U.S. “donations” are what freedom and free enterprise are all about.”

AV  à It is truly one of my favorite things in the world to watch Larry Elder confront someone who says we still have institutionalized racism.  He starts out by asking for one example and then no matter the example given he refutes the case with facts and numbers.  I have never seen him fail to do this and I have never seen someone do it better than he does.  I commend this work.  We all need to work towards this ability.  READ UP PEOPLE.   And not just headlines or social media posts.  Read from independent researchers.  Read from diverse perspectives.  READ.

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