Friday, February 16, 2018

Inconsistent Conservative Interventionists

With the recent news about North Korea and South Korea uniting for the olympics and perhaps further diplomatic discussions, I am reminded of the (numerous) inconsistencies of the supposedly conservative, free-market neocons.  

Here is one in particular:

These folks often believe in the market rather than a central planner and at the same time believe the communist government of North Korea is an existential threat to the US.  

Might I suggest that if you believe in the market, by definition, you do not believe a central planner has the ability to successfully run an economy and provide for the wants and needs of the citizens and its citizens cannot provide the needs of the government (i.e. weapons). 

If you do not think the central planner can run an economy effectively, you do not think economic goods can be made abundant they way they will be if entrepreneurs have the motive of profits and the freedom to act.  

If you do not think economic goods can be made abundant, you do not believe nuclear bombs and the technology to deliver them precisely can be made in abundance and non defective.

If you don't think all the components to making a delivering a nuclear bomb are easy to manufacture and put together to effectively present a threat to other countries across the globe you do not think N Korea is an existential threat.  

If North Korea is not an existential threat to the United States, we have no business running war drills on the DMZ and plotting to assassinate their leaders.

Note, I am not claiming they cannot make a few nuclear bombs and use them effectively to some range, I am saying that they cannot possibly be an existential threat due to the nature of their economy and the relative free market nature of the United States.  If you really do believe in the market, you must be against intervention in North Korea.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Republicans and Democrats Collude with Each Other

Title and Subheader of the top article in Washington Post today:

"Senate leaders see two-year budget deal within their grasp - The deal would include a boost in defense spending that the president has demanded alongside an increase in domestic programs championed by Democrats."

Well that pretty much figures - when in doubt lets agree to spend more on everything.