Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Secession of the Heart

Isn’t it wild that a non-partisan observer is the only one who can objectively analyze what is going on with the current Mueller investigation? The whole thing is a farce – a complete and utter farce. 
“But Manafort is different. By arresting Manafort, who served for a time as Trump’s presidential campaign manager, Mueller can pile on false charges until Manafort buys his way out by providing Mueller with false charges against Trump.

In US federal courts today, charges no longer have to be proven, just asserted. If Trump’s surrender to the military/security complex and abandonment of his intention to normalize relations with Russia do not suffice to make Trump acceptable to the military/security complex, Mueller can squeeze Manafort until Manafort agrees to whatever story Mueller hands him. The last thing Manafort or Trump can count on is justice. There has been no justice in the US “Justice” system for decades.”

Pat Buchanan and Clarence Thomas get it right here - we have no unum for our e pluribus.  With no unum, we ought to separate.  Why violently remain together when we could peacefully separate?
“The spirit that produced the war in the 1860s, and lasting division in the 1960s, is abroad again. A great secession of the heart is underway.”

I do love using the logic of idiots to spin them in a bundle of idiocy.  If reason is whiteness, using reason even to critique reason is perpetuating whiteness.  Then again, pointing this out doesn’t matter because nobody believes in truth anymore. Read the article but a good summary follows:
In order to critique ‘whiteness’ they must affirm ‘whiteness.’ To put it even more clearly, only those who affirm ‘whiteness’ could have a problem with ‘whiteness,’ and the solution to ‘whiteness’ must itself be ‘a function of whiteness.’ But I suppose that in identifying the self-contradiction at the heart of their worldview and insisting upon rational consistency, the Yancys and Caputos would accuse me of advancing ‘whiteness.’’
Interestingly, I never thought about this but the speed limit is actually more like a speed minimum….
I agree with David Stockman re Jerome Powell as written by David Stockman:

It can't get any worse than this. Jerome Powell is a Wall Street-coddling Keynesian and Washington lifer who passes for a Janet Yellen replica---that is, save for his tie and trousers and his as yet underdeveloped capacity to whine pedantically. During his years on the Fed since May 2012, Powell has voted approximately 44 times to drastically falsify interest rates and to recklessly and fraudulently monetize trillions of the public debt. That is, Powell has been all-in for a destructive central banking regime that is literally asphyxiating capitalist prosperity in America. We will get to the latter in more detail momentarily, but just consider the plight of bank account savers during the 65”

Lies and Consequences

“Wars and Lies go hand in hand. It's always challenging calling out the government on its lies as war fever picks up. They have the mass media in their pockets and they're all blaring fear inducing propaganda at the same time.”
The US government admits to lying us into another regime time operation and giving support and weapons to al-Qaeda and ISIS.  Yet, most people who claimed this from the beginning were considered conspiracy theorists.  The test of time shows once again that the people who know the military industrial complex were correct. 
The US has no reason to go to war anywhere in the world.  Instead, we continue to intervene based on lies and evil people.
Ask more questions.  Demand truthful answers.

An absolutely brilliant piece on libertarianism and its consistency with conservative cultural practices.
“I will do so: if one desires moving toward libertarianism, culture matters, and a certain kind of culture.  One built on tradition, one that has a healthy sense about improving what works (as defined above) and eliminating what doesn’t work.  One that does not subsidize behavior of any sort.  One that allows the free market for culture and tradition to work.

Do you want a libertarian order?  Start with that.”

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

An Insightful Russian Aphorism

“The only lesson of history is that it teaches us nothing.”

I saw this here: