Monday, February 6, 2017

Comic Relief

Anyone who tries to associate DJT with Ayn Rand is a lunatic.  She would have despised him.  How about this quote from Rand:
 “A man who is tied cannot run a race against men who are free: he must either demand that his bonds be removed or that the other contestants be tied as well. If men choose the second, the economic race slows down to a walk, then to a stagger, then to a crawl — and then they all collapse at the goal posts of a Very Old Frontier: the totalitarian state. No one is the winner but the government.”
Diversity has almost nothing to do with anything visible in a photo.  Another stupid article from WaPo.  Maybe they should get some diversity of thought or diversity in intellect.  No I am not kidding.  The people that run WaPo are morons.

This is great.  I don’t have anything to add.  This is a phenomenal article.  Well done.

I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusion of this research article on the value of 2-point conversions at various times in a game.  Here it is:
There is no excuse for professional coaches to make such simple mistakes. If you’re a coach, you should be doing this analysis yourself — or doing it better. If you’re still kicking extra points 14 times more often than going for 2, you’re not doing your job. If you’re in the sports media and you haven’t mastered this material, and won’t hold coaches accountable for not doing their jobs, then you’re not doing your job either.”
While a rule based Fed would be better than a crony based Fed, this paragraph highlights just how ridiculous an endeavor a rule based Fed would be:
“What various supporters of these ‘rules’ and of other forms of market intervention are trying to establish is the ‘correct’ level for the interest rate. This level, however, can only be set in a free unhampered market. Such an interest rate cannot be known without freeing the market from the Fed’s tampering.”
The Audi commercial itself is almost as funny as the commentary from Mark Dice. 
The commentary made me laugh multiple times.  Yes he is vulgar, yes he says a few controversial things.  Yes he is essentially correct on all of them.

I am crying laughing at this video of little kids in Ireland talking about Trump.

This point is well taken: 

“Why didn’t any of the stories mention that Milo was gay? Doesn’t being gay mean you are part of an identity group and can never be criticized? Or does being a conservative and not politically correct trump your status as a gay person? This is all very confusing. Will the left please write down the order of importance of the identity groups they’ve made up. I’m having a hard time knowing which group is more equal.”

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