Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Weekend Thoughts

AV –à My thoughts on the weekend:
The Trump ban on immigrants is dumb, ineffective, and done in poor taste. 
I hold an unwavering view of the freedoms of man to include international movement of people, goods, and services.  Free trade of goods, services and people (and I don’t want to hear the people that will be offended by referring to trading people - that is not the intent - the intent is the freedom of movement of people and goods) is the only path that leads to economic prosperity and peaceful relations.  Free trade makes people wealthier and more peaceful in every case.
I understand some American citizens feel a sense of nationalism and the related need to improve the perceived safety of American’s. I also understand that many don’t agree with my unwavering commitment to free trade. The supporters of the new immigration EO are generally conservatives who identify these reasons for their support. In my opinion, they should base their appreciation (or lack thereof), not on vacillating feelings, but instead on concrete cost benefit analysis. 
Benefits: Debatedly improved safety.  This is an obvious benefit but it's not clear the ban actually provides it.
·         Many people are upset and express their discontent based on all kinds of factors.   While indeed a cost, I think this is probably not the biggest deal. 
·         The financial cost to employ the personnel that enforce this ban and pay for the development of technologies and processed to screen everyone will be huge.
·         Increased hatred of America and its people by countries across this world will be the biggest cost of all.  This backlash in terms of animosity towards America is not inherently of concern.  Though many liberals might cry and moan over this, it is not a cost other than to individual self-esteem etc. The true cost will be the identification of the US as “the enemy” prompting nations around the world to act on that aggression.  This is what happened when the Obama administration bombed the hell out of Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, etc. These people began to see the US as the enemy, cultivating a feeling of hatred towards the US, generating increased attacks on America.  This will be the major cost - in terms of human life.  From this perspective I think the Trump administration is wrong to ban these immigrants and Trump supporters need to be more realistic and critical of their highly flawed leader.
I am amused to see liberals claim that this EO is unconstitutional.  Yet those same folks proudly applauded the many over-reaching EO’s of Obama over the last 8 years.  There is no such thing as unconstitutional for liberals as long as it fits their agenda.  If it doesn’t – it’s automatically unconstitutional.  At the same time, conservatives who cried foul repeatedly over the last eight years now find themselves suddenly silent and approving.  Truly, the two-party system is broken.
Much of the news about the ban (and most other issues) has been “fake news” and “alternative facts”.  I highly suggest you read about the issues from a source other than the mainstream media.  I read from both main stream media and several other sources presented in this blog.  Go ahead and read the main stream media, but also expose yourself to other view points and to more factually correct sources as well.
Now back to the articles!
In short, Democrats and progressive activists will no doubt attack the jurisprudence of whomever emerges from this contest. I welcome that debate, but charges of insufficient diversity can only come from those with insufficiently developed understandings of that term.”
Diversity has very little to do with race and gender.  They are two of many millions of factors on which people can vary.

AV à I love this #deleteuber protest.  Less demand means lower prices for the rest of us.  I assume some drivers may delete it as well but if the app is a source of income as opposed to a convenience, people will be less likely to delete the app.  Therefore we have similar supply and less demand.  Yeah for lower fares! 

This is just another piece of evidence that free trade creates peace.  The NY Times is trying to rip Trump because he doesn’t ban people from countries in which he has done business.  1. This is stupid in that he is most likely to ban people from unstable countries and is equally unlikely to do business in unstable countries.  This is a correlation not causation by any means.  2.  It is true that when you are able to do business (or trade as some refer to it) in countries you gain a level of respect and trust for the people of that country.  This is not surprising and should be used as a shining example for free trade and movement of people.

AV à The title of a recent article in the National Review was “Trump is wrong but his liberal critics are crazy” has to be the most accurate title I have seen on a news piece in a long time.

It doesn’t take much for people to freak out and give up liberties as well as give too much power to one person.

This article is completely correct.  The wall and border tax are terrible idea. 
“As for the wall itself, have we no better use for the tons of concrete and steel, the miles of roadway and electrical wire, and the years of human time and effort it would take to build, maintain, and monitor it? We would be dumping precious resources in the desert in order to deny ourselves the ultimate resource. It’s stupefying.”

Courageous principles sometimes allow bad outcomes. Freedom of speech allows for some noxious ideas to spread. Gun rights allow for some bad people to more easily engage in violence. Requirements for warrants allow for some criminals to hide their crimes. And freedom of movement allows for some bad people to travel where they can do harm.
Such courageous principles do not create perfect worlds. They create structures in which people have the freedom to shape the world, for better or worse – with better usually winning. Depriving the vast majority of people's freedom to prevent a small minority from spreading evil impoverishes and threatens everybody.”

Hmm, brings to mind some more hypocrisy.  Those who want more gun control are typically the ones horrified by immigration bans.  

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