Saturday, February 4, 2017

Am I a Global Warming Heretic and What to think of Neil Gorsuch

This is an awesome debate on climate change.  Couple things here:
a. It's nice that a debate can actually take place instead of the idealogues that claim anyone that wants to see evidence is a heretic.
b.  There is nothing more true in this world than fossil fuels don't take a safe world and make it dangerous, they take a dangerous world and make it safe.  This is shown by the fact that as carbon emissions have increased for decades and climate related deaths have been reduced by 98%.  Yes, 98%.
c.  I take the points made by the fossil fuel hater at face value.  I really do, he seems smart, well infomred and has done his research but the issue is, I can come up with 15 reasons why Increased water intake is bad for you.  This doesn't mean drinking water is a bad thing in general.  Everything in life has costs and benefits and one needs to weigh them against each other to figure out if it is good or bad.
d.  I am happy to entertain research and initiatives re: global warming but it should not come from the government because it 1. is not how I want to spend my money that the government stole, 2. destroys incentives 3. leads to waste 4. it politicizes everything and no actual science gets done because they simply push the current government regimes' agenda.
I really enjoyed this interview/discussion of Neil Gorsuch.

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