Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Who Works for Whom

AV à  I hate the term “the thin blue line.”  It implies that without these public servants (that we are FORCED to pay via the THEFT of our earnings called taxes) America would turn into something akin to the Purge movie.  How ludicrous.  Private defense corporations and police forces would immediately pop up and expand.  Realize that they already exist and already provide more security than the public police. 
For what it is worth I don’t have an opinion on this recent police shooting trial in St. Louis.  The plaintiff seems to be a bad guy.  But it is certainly plausible that the cop planted the gun, and I unfortunately wouldn’t be surprised at all if that were the case.
Some will claim the police work for me, the taxpayer.  Yes, I agree that you (and I) pay taxes (at least most of us do!)  But I vehemently oppose the logic that because we pay taxes, the public service providers work for us.  No.  We are all forced to pay taxes. Bureaucrats decide where and how those tax dollars are spent, NOT US.  Think of it the way Dave Smith suggests in his comedy special Libertas. Paying taxes is like getting mugged on the street and then claiming that the guy who mugged you now works for you.  In reality, you work for them! 
We the people make things, we provide services, we grow the economy, and we provide economic value for other people.  With the value we have created, government comes and steals a portion of it.  Sometimes up to 40% or so.  Hence, paying taxes IS like getting mugged. Biggest difference is the taxpayers they have been so mind-f****d by the MAN that they think the police work for them.

“… Americans are basically good people who generally want what’s best for the world. If they weren’t, the unelected power establishment which rules over them wouldn’t have to keep making up lies about babies in incubators and protecting their family from Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to secure US hegemony. If they ever told the public the truth, they’d be dealing with hundreds of millions of heavily-armed Americans telling them to get their sociopathic asses out of here.”
I am not a 9/11 denier, but I’m not entirely a believer either.  I am simply reminded that the US government has repeatedly falsified evidence in order to justify the use of military might.  Read the few examples described in the article.  Remember when the Syrians supposedly used chemical weapons to gas civilians earlier in 2017.  The incident was later identified as being perpetrated by ISIS to prod a US response to the Assad regime.

Markets are at work in everything.  A consultant charges fee to help college girls get the best sorority bid they can.

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