Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My NFL/National Anthem Protest Thoughts

because everyone wants my two cents....

1.       I would not use this avenue for a protest.

2.       But other people can do so if they so choose.

3.       Many on the right who are so offended really should understand what the US military actually does.  Hint – it isn’t the huge peace bearing organization you think it is.  (See earlier posts!)

4.       Why would I care what the players in the NFL think about politics?  I don’t ask a priest about economics or politics.

5.       I don’t really understand the absolute outrage of people on the right.  It just doesn’t piss me off the way it seems to piss off so many others.  I can’t be bothered to be annoyed by people with such limited ideas. 

6.       What specifically are the NFL players protesting?  Institutional racism?  Bogus.  Capitalism? Bogus.  Wrongful deaths of black victims by cops?  Perhaps, but don’t limit wrongful killings to color of skin.  It happens to whites as well.  

7.       There are plenty of reasons to protest  - wars, the welfare state, militarized police, civil asset forfeiture, or the role of government in general.  Read this blog and you will find many valid reasons to protest.

8.       People on the left need to stop saying, “Trump is wrong.” He didn’t threaten using force, and he even implied it is the decision of the owners to do as they please with their organization.  He may be STUPID but he simply gave an opinion and is entitled to do so.

9.       I suspect the majority of NFL owners would rather the players didn’t kneel but they know that in today’s day and age you cannot be anything other than a social justice warrior or ESPN and the rest of the lunatic left will accuse you of being a NAZI.

1.   Roger Goodell is a bad person, a bad leader and a bad face of the NFL.  Several issues have come up during his tenure and I haven’t seen him handle any correctly.  Admittedly I don’t follow this closely but: 1) he seems to promote domestic violence (and then do a 180 and presume guilt until proven innocent and 2) he appears to discriminate against the Patriots unfairly.  Note I am a 3rd party observer here.  I don’t have much a care for anything NFL so my opinion may be wrong but it isn’t necessarily biased one way or another.

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