Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Do Americans Really Want War?

Niskanen Center is no doubt the worst of the “libertarian” think tanks.  However, they come to the right conclusion in this case.
The possibilities of AI are endless. From the invention of the wheel to the Internet, technology has changed the way we live our lives for the better. Sometimes, technological advancements have unintended consequences that necessitate intervention. However, we shouldn’t allow the fear of the unknown to prevent us from reaping the benefits of new technology. With respect to AI, there will be challenges and unintended consequences, but it is important to recognize that these challenges and potential pitfalls are already being met with solutions from the community developing these new technologies.”

“In an essay that is now over 20 years old, the great free market economist Murray Rothbard was taking America's foreign policy to task. He could clearly see that America was embarking on a policy of endless war.
​Rothbard said mockingly: ‘I make a Modest Proposal for the only possible consistent and coherent foreign policy: the U.S. must, very soon, Invade the Entire World!’
Have we reached the point of actually invading the entire world?

Technically, no.

But hundreds of U.S. military bases do checker the entire planet, with troops ready to intervene anywhere at a moments notice.

Check out the following headlines.

​They're from the last couple of days:
This is in addition to actual U.S. wars being conducted in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Somalia.

Just yesterday, Patrick Buchanan echoed Murray Rothbard in his piece entitled: Shall We Fight Them All?

Isn't the U.S. federal government supposed to be the government of 50 United States?

Its actions clearly indicate that it believes itself to be the government of the entire world.

Is this what Americans really want?”

AV à I listened to Al Gore talk on Marc Maron’s WTF podcast this morning.  The only thing I can say is wow.  Marc is unsurprisingly extremely ignorant, but nobody faults him.  He is an entertainer and I am not surprised he is so clueless. He has every right to be, though I wish he was not. I also wish he wouldn’t say such incorrect things with so much confidence, but oh well, who cares what I think?  Gore on the other hand is positively despicable. I am sure that I have never heard anyone spew any more bullshit in 78 minutes in my life.  He has an outstanding offer to debate Alex Epstein but he is unwilling to do it.  Alex has even offered $100k as a speaking fee to try to get a debate.  Gore knows about the offer but has refused to comment on it.  An absolute piece of shit and I wish more people could see through it.  This is outside the debate of global warming.  Gore is a bad person.

The issue here is the role of the state. Every state government, just like the federal government, thinks its mission is to protect its citizens from bad habits, vice, unhealthy actions, addictive behavior, and dangerous activity. In a word, to protect people from themselves. In a free society, any legal adult would be able to buy, sell, possess, and use any substance.

A nanny state is incompatible with a free society.”

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