Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Changing the Lens

Instead of focusing on a living wage we need to focus on a living cost of government.
“… government vastly increases the cost of living through taxes, regulations and inflation.  A regulation is simply a tax on wealth other than income.  Inflation is a hidden tax through expansion of the money supply.”

An interesting theory on the investigation into Trump. 
“One of the biggest benefits of the regulated economy is that it provides federal officials with the ability to prosecute businessmen, builders, and bankers for economic crimes. That’s because there is no way that businessmen, builders, and bankers can ever comply with all the federal regulations and tax provisions that govern their industries. Inevitably, they are going to run afoul of one or more of them.”

I side with the classification of this piece on The Federalist’s website - - “AYFKM”, also known as “Are you f*****g kidding me.”  We are teaching preschoolers that some girls have penises.
“Raising a preschooler is hard enough — especially when they enter the ‘why’ phase. Answering their questions about sex and their bodies in a way that’s both accurate and easy for a small child to comprehend can be challenging. So why is Planned Parenthood determined to make it harder and more confusing for both parents and children? Perhaps because support for their radical abortion agenda is waning and they’re trying to gin up some help from the transgender lobby by throwing them a bone. Parents, beware.”

A rethink on the necessity of the atom bombs dropped on Japan.  I don’t have a strong opinion on this but it’s worth actually thinking about rather than taking the easy government narrative in order to absolve the US of any moral responsibility.
Also food for thought as the rhetoric between North Korea and the civilized world amps up …

“… war is nasty, brutal, and destructive at its core. Those who bear the consequences are not always those in uniform, on warships, or in tanks, but seven-year-old girls.”

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