Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Healthy Skepticism Needed

This article highlights a tweet from Trump that I surprisingly like:
We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS? ZERO”
Misogyny actually played 0% into the election you arrogant fool.  You were a horrible candidate and an even worse person.  These are my opinions.
“Clinton said she has no plans to seek public office again. ‘I am looking at doing interesting things,’ she said. ‘I don’t think that will ever include running for office again.’”
Thank goodness!
We take for granted that what the government tells us is true.  I am not saying Assad is innocent.  I am not even saying he isn’t behind these attacks.   But let’s not take it as fact when the government tells us something.  Just look at history (and this article) for why we should be skeptical.
This article provides further evidence for skepticism.
“As long as the American people continue to keep the federal government as a national-security state, one whose mission includes imperialism and foreign interventionism, America will continue traveling down the road to bankruptcy, moral debauchery, hypocrisy, death, and destruction of libertyand privacy here at home. There is but one solution to all this: the restoration of a constitutional republic to our land and the complete rejection of empire and foreign intervention.”

Those who have been fortunate enough to achieve a measure of success thanks to mobility should not feel guilty about it. We can help society best by being productive citizens and–where possible–working to ensure that the foot voting opportunities that benefited us become more available to others.”
This is why Chicago/Illinois and California are losing residents.  People that are overruled by the masses are voting with their feet.
Hillary might be the 6th most beautiful woman in a room of 5 women.

This is pretty funny.  Love to see Bannon get pushed out, hate to see his shoes filled by the liberal democrat Kushner.

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